Category Archives: school

Preshool Grad.

My little big boy graduated today. He sang his little heart out (with gusto I must add) on the stage. He accepted his diploma with confidence and posed so sweetly. He treads with caution and uncertainty at times. Today he stood proudly with his best friend.  Bittersweet was the feeling. We went for pizza and then...

Line leader

It is a pretty BIG deal if you are in pre-school.  You have to wait till your name comes up alphabetically and you know that could take forever.  My Monsta?  Not even fazed.  Me:  What is that sticker on your shirt? Monsta:  Oh, I was line leader at school today. Me:  Oh!  That is so...

Went to the trouble of creating Valentines for all of Monsta’s classmates and was told that they couldn’t be handed out because of the lollipop attached. Me, who doesn’t even approve of giving candy! I can’t believe I did that. Does anyone have an idea of something else (that is not food/candy) that I could...

Dapper Goofball

Monsta had school pictures taken last Friday. I had him all ready the night before with the suit that his TiTi gave him for Christmas. He was pretty excited to wear it. Next morning came and it had snowed during the night. We listened to the cancellations on TV and it said that there was...

Moving up in a nutshell.

He sort of sang…. Max was crowned King of all the wild things… He looked older by the end of the ceremony… But, he is still my baby… and always will be.


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