Monthly Archives: June 2010

Three pushes and there you were!

I can’t believe that nine months ago I practically gave birth to David in the car. If you missed that helluva story, read here. I can’t tell you how much joy this little one gives us. He is always in a good mood and giggles and smiles and really just goes with the flow. What...

Remember Memorial Day?

Hi, it is me again…..posting pictures from a long time ago….. Memorial Day weekend spent with friends… Jules eating a gigantic, colorful doughnut! Cutie Sam: I actually drank a beer! I let Ben eat this horrifying candy that looked like a rat – GROSS! Our friend Tony….he just loves babies! The kiddies in the hot...

Moving up in a nutshell.

He sort of sang…. Max was crowned King of all the wild things… He looked older by the end of the ceremony… But, he is still my baby… and always will be.

He won’t smile AND bees.

I have mentioned before that the Monsta is pretty much over the whole camera thing. If I ask for a smile, I get cheese. If I don’t ask, I get cheese. So, I end up not asking and letting him do whatever he is doing and if I would like him to look up, I...


On sunny days around here, it is a given, we are at the pool! There is no question that is the place we love to be the most. The monsta can spend hours kicking around in his tube and the little one is always content sitting on someone’s lap. Have I mentioned that he is...


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