Monthly Archives: June 2008


OH MY GOD! I just was looking at my garden (I do that about 3 times a day) and to my amazement…….I found ONE little, red cherry tomato! How psyched was I?  I spit on it, wiped it off and popped it in my mouth.  DOH!  All IN a matter of 2 seconds.  It was...

the weekend

What an exhausting week.  I actually fell asleep at 10:15 last night.  Can you believe that?  I don’t usually go to bed till ’bout 12 or 1am.  I feel well rested and ready for the weekend.  I finished up 4 ACEOS this week too.  For those of you that don’t know what they are…here is...

Crowd Pleaser

It’s easy, fattening and DELICIOUS! Japanese Fried Spaghetti 1 lb. spaghetti (I like to mix regular and whole wheat) 1 lb. bacon diced and fried Remove bacon from pan and leave 1/2 the oil. Brown 2 cloves garlic Add 2 Tbl. chives Throw in One head of Cabbage (diced) Stir Fry with garlic and chives...


A few weeks ago, you might remember, we went to visit Julie and Samy.  I wrote about it in this post.  Samy made us a dinner that night that was soooooo fantastic.  I thought you might want to see some photos of what he created.  It’ was not only delicious but it was a work of...


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