Monthly Archives: September 2007

He’s Walking!

Friday, September 14, 2007.  Ben is officially walking.  He got new kicks from his Grandma Harriet so he looks pretty cool to boot.  He spent most of the day with Grandma yesterday, getting the new shoes in the morning and then going to dinner for her Birthday.  He was super tired and drifted off to...

Rosh Hashanah Part I

We spent the holiday at my inlaws.  It was a great meal and great company.  Ben was decked out in his best duds and had a great time mingling with everyone.  The boy shoveled in gefilte fish (I know right!) and noodle kugel and everything else that was served.  He loved it!  Little does he...

“Sun” day

After Ben woke up this morning, we set out to walk to the local diner.  It’s about a two mile walk each way.  Ben loves strolling and pointing out all the….  EVERYTHING.  Breakfast was good.  It was no Craigfast but good.   On our way back, we stopped at a house that had put some things out by...

Waves galore

This bowl was almost lost.  It was about to collapse due to too much water.  I let it set and then salvaged it.  Now, I LOVE it!


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