Welcome to my new squeaky fresh and clean site. It has been a long week trying to redesign this whole thing and I’m not even close to being finished but I wanted to go live asap. I miss you guys! Although there are many similarities as far as content, the whole structure is different. This new layout will allow me to basically post more “stuff”. I will be changing pages and info forever over the next few weeks so don’t get used to what you see. I plan on showcasing my biz, Earth & Skye Photography and even offering some giveaways to my readers. I can’t wait for that!
Speaking of new……I want to show you what the Monsta made the other day. I love when I witness him doing something new creatively. He plays with playdoh all the time and usually makes funny faces with spiked hair, waffles, long rolls, a big mess….this time, he started building something very intricate. I saw him concentrating with the tongue out and everything. I watched quietly. What did he turn out? A snow man with a trunk he told me.
Isn’t it the most interesting snowman you have ever seen? I thought so. Look at those arms. I can imagine this snowman animated with those arms moving so gracefully to really cool music. I just had to capture it.
Another first: Cubby started eating! Today is his fifth day and he is soooo happy. Started with rice cereal then moved on to sweet potato. Gosh, he gets so excited when he sees that spoon. It has been hard to capture that moment though because he has been moving around so much. Craig brought down the highchair from the attic so now it will be easier for me and more controlled. It is a sight to see. Check him out:
This shot was his first viewing of the spoon. He sort of looks a bit like a deer in headlights. He warmed up seconds later though.
Well, it is Thursday (It is actually Sunday but when I posted this it was Thursday) and I must get off this darn computer because if the house is dirty on a Thursday……not good.
I want to thank you all for sticking around and visiting me. Is there anything YOU would like to see here? Any topics YOU would like to discuss? Any anything? Just putting it out there.
Happy Earth Day! (We’ll be planting bulbs and strawberries and peas today)
xxo Marina