and that is all we needed to bolt out of the house for a very needed walk in the fresh air. With all this sick going on, I couldn’t have welcomed it more. The first thing we noticed, with all the snow melting, it made for some really cool crevices.
Monsta was fascinated that all water was now going down the huge street drains and making a lot of noise.
There are lots of rivers on my block.
Cubby was interested as well (in his nonchalant way)
I liked this particular spot. Can you tell?
We were about 12 feet from home and we were HAPPY!
way HAPPY.
We stumbled upon tons of acorns. I was wondering why there were so many. Don’t the squirrels bury them and eat them all winter? Are there too many acorns around? Are there not enough squirrels? I’m thinking the latter. I remember when I was a little girl, they used to be all over the place. They are pretty scarce nowadays.
After we walked/stopped/biked/stopped for miles around the block, someone was pooped.
He relaxed by drawing on the driveway while Cubby…
played the game that never gets old, “Where did my cheerio go?”