Monthly Archives: June 2011

Slippin’ n slidin’ never gets old.

It’s the BIG mouthed scream of FUN… the giggles as they reach the end… and the determination of getting up to go another round. I secretly want to run down this thing myself.  Yesterday, at Costco, me and the Monsta were heading back to the car with our stuff.  It was raining.  It always rains...

A new week

A week where I will have a positive outlook I will try to splash in the pool every day with my kids We will make cards to wish Grandma a speedy recovery after having her knee replacement today I will try to make dinners every night (except tomorrow) I will try to not let stressful...

The Birthday

was AWESOME to say the least.  My boy is now five and although it feels like it happened overnight, I can still think back and look at all my photos and remember all the things that make him him.  I love those things.  Each and every one of them. Look how hard he is wishing. ...


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