Monthly Archives: August 2009

Splashing con Abuelito

                                                                           If the sun is out, we are in the pool around here.  It is heavenly and my favorite thing to do.  Monsta has been really awesome in the water.  He goes out in his tube like nobody’s business.  My Father came last week to swim with him and he did great.  Short swim lesson...

…the walls have been blank

It’s been about 3 1/2 years in our house and I’ve yet to decorate.  Sounds pretty ridiculous but it is true.  When we moved in it was March ’06 and I had the Monsta in May.  Life was so busy with a newborn and then after that it was one excuse after the other.  Well,...

I got lucky

My friend Bea called today and asked me if I would be interested in going to see Jason Mraz at Jones Beach tonight.  She just so happened to have free Box seat tickets.  My answer:  uh derrrrr, YES! p.s. sorry I’m bailing on girls night but Jason Mraz, box seats uh derrrrrrrr.

A day of sun and bubbles

Ben and I spent the better part of today in the pool.  Why not, right?  It was totally gorgeous out.  Mom also stopped by for a quick sun/monsta fix.  Today’s pool lesson was….What if you fell in the pool?  He knows now to turn around and get to the side and yell for HELP!  Can...


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