It’s been about 3 1/2 years in our house and I’ve yet to decorate. Sounds pretty ridiculous but it is true. When we moved in it was March ’06 and I had the Monsta in May. Life was so busy with a newborn and then after that it was one excuse after the other. Well, now I’ve finally got my livingroom underway. We had a wall unit built that was designed by my Aunt and now she is helping us with the rest of the room. We have picked out fabric that I will make pillows with and a window treatment. I’m really excited. I’m also working on a collection of photographs that will hang above our couch. It is a huge wall and I decided to do four 20 x 20 prints. The accented colors are red, yellow and orange. Thinking about some flower shots. What do you think of this one?
Does it work well together with this one?
I’m not sure about it, I totally need advice…….