I think he realizes that if you hang out in the kitchen long enough…..

My little Monsta LOVES to bake. One of his favorites is banana bread. We have made it many times together and he is pretty much an expert at this point. He tells me to get him his apron and lists the ingredients for me. He sits himself at the table and we begin. It isn’t as messy as it used to be. He is a lot more careful when pouring dumping the stuff in the bowl.  Usually, I get lots of “I love you Mommy” and “You’re the best Mommy in the whole world” and hugs during the whole process.  I think he thinks that the more compliments he gives, the more bread he will get to eat.  I love every second of it no matter what his scheming plan is.  Baking brings the family closer in so many ways.  I’m not even a big baker either.  You all know that I prefer to cook but every once in awhile I get the urge.  Take a look at how happy everyone is.


Could you pass this up?


Daddy getting in on the action.


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