I received a call one day from a gentlemen who found me on the internet. He was inquiring about purchasing a gift certificate for his sister who was having a baby. He went on to say that out of all the websites he came across, mine stood out to him. My style, my family life. our chickens (lol)…..the combination appealed to him. Now, being that he was California, he was really basing his decision on what he saw on the web. How wonderful is that? I know how powerful the web is but at the same time, I have been totally neglecting my blog lately. Whatever the excuse, I haven’t been blogging.
So, today, I would like to blog this lovely session (some of it anyways) for you. I hope you enjoy it.
I also want to add the fact about….How awesome it is to get a Gift Certificate for a session? With the holidays coming up, you might want to consider. Pooling monies together from family or friends to buy that special person a gift that will last a lifetime. I would so LOVE GETTING THAT GIFT.