Jones Beach – Wednesday Nights!

This past Wednesday was the first night that my Mom (Sherry Palencia) was teaching at Jones Beach Bandshell.  She didn’t think we were coming but we ended up surprising her.  She was thrilled!  She had a fantastic turnout.  About 400 people came out to dance with her.  There was a full moon and the weather was perfect.  Everyone was so happy to see her there.  My cousins that I don’t see very often were there so that was really great too.  Ben stood on stage most of the night.  He was directing people where to go and holding the mic and dancing around.  It was pretty cute to see.  We have video of him but I couldn’t get the card to download the files for some weird reason.  Maybe Craig can figure that one out.

 Last night after we put the monsta to bed I spotted the bunnies.  They were out.  I got a pic and here it is.  Can  you believe that they are this BIG?  I can’t…what is it, two weeks?


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