A wonderful day

Yesterday, we went to my sister Julie’s house.  My brother-n-law Samy and Jules really went all out to make a great party.  My cousins were there along with my Aunt and Gram and parents and a couple of friends.  The house looked beautiful with all the Moroccan accents and the detail they gave to the yard was charming.  Benjamin had a ball.  His cousin Jack showed him how to go down the slide and bang fire stones together.  What a great pal he was.  We walked to the beach and picked silver pennies.  My Aunt showed us how to take off the layers to make them look shimmery.  That was pretty cool.  Thanks Titi and Ami Samy – we all had a great time!

Moroccan Olives

Samy and Grandma

Relaxing with Spanikopita


Jacen holding Ben and jack

Sleeping soundly


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