Monthly Archives: September 2010

A good friend

I recently met up with some girls from High School. We re-connected through FaceBook and met at the Argyle Grill in Babylon. It was such a great afternoon. We caught up and laughed at so many old memories. I will post more about this day soon but for now here is a picture of me...

At the Fair

Ben looks forward to this one every year. It is BIG and colorful and there are lots of kid rides. He was armed with is bracelet that allowed access to ALL rides (Gotta love that if you are a four year old) Cubby just watched. He was a wee bit sleepy but the attractions kept...

Nuzzles and kisses

Did I think I would ever be this lucky? Nope, not in a zillion years. I put these two in the bath the other day and the Monsta just smothered the baby with kiss after kiss after kiss. I couldn’t stop smiling at them. Thankfully, I always bring my camera in with me because I’m...

Spending time by

the door is what we do a lot.  There is so much to see and the cubby finds the glass  most entertaining.  Ben used to do the same thing here  and here.  This day was special because daddy was mowing the lawn.  Back and forth, back and forth….gosh, I think he sat there for 15...


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