Monthly Archives: April 2008

That Mouth!

Ben was hysterical opening and closing the gate in the backyard.  I absolutely LOVE this photo of him.  It shows Ben just as he is….. HAPPY!

95th Birthday!

We celebrated Grandma Sylvia’s 95th Birthday yesterday.  The day was happy and relaxed.  She had a great time seeing Norine and Dov and the rest of the family.  I posted a bunch of photos from the day on flickr.  Remember, you must have a free account to view them.  If you have questions on how...


If you are interested in an organic lawn, then NOW is the time to put down your pre-emergent.  We used Jonathan Greene (Thanks Paul!) Weed control (corn gluten).  It is pretty powdery so wear a mask when laying it down.  We have cleared all the beds of weeds and leaves, pruned our roses and are ready...

I remember…

my Father playing his harmonica when we were little.  From what I can recall, he was pretty good.  Now, Pop breaks out the harmonica when Ben comes over.  He has shown him how to hold it and cup his hands to get that vibrato sound.  Ben needed to see the lesson once and took that...


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