Category Archives: garden

Lil Cherry

Today there were a bunch of cherry tomatoes and plum ripe for pickin’.  I grew it. I picked it. I shot it.                                                                                              I ate it.

Damage Control

What a storm we had yesterday!  The sky just opened up.  Did anyone get hail?  We did.  Little chunks of ice fell.  Did I mention it was like 85 degrees out.  So weird.  After the crazy rain and wind stopped, I looked out in the backyard.  ALL OF MY TOMATO PLANTS WERE DOWN!  I shrieked.  You...


OH MY GOD! I just was looking at my garden (I do that about 3 times a day) and to my amazement…….I found ONE little, red cherry tomato! How psyched was I?  I spit on it, wiped it off and popped it in my mouth.  DOH!  All IN a matter of 2 seconds.  It was...


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