2014 is here | Long Island Newborn Photographer | Earth & Skye Photography

New year

New beginning

New inspiration…

The boys started back at school today.  Cubby came home with his new (getting ready for) Kindy workbook.  He is all excited!  I still can’t believe that this will be the year that two kids will get on the same bus in the morning.  Monsta is due to come home soon so that leaves me about 20 minutes to blog  a little.

Do I have goals for the new year?  Sort of.  I have plans for my basement getting a rework.  I have some things I would like to accomplish business-wise too.  Exercising and eating right is always a given.  I veer off the path but I get back on.

I made my first batch of homemade ice-cream this past weekend.  It was totally off the charts.  Dark chocolate for the Mister.  He loved it.  There will be more of that for sure.

Cubby hasn’t napped for the whole two week vacation.  He just couldn’t last.  He decided the couch was his place today…

Darling, isn’t he?

Yesterday was also my first shoot of the year.  A sweet boy named Domenic.  Six days old and completely content.  He was a pleasure to photograph.


Have you given any thought to some new year goals?  Do you make your own ice cream?  I would definitely want to talk about that with you.  I just bought a vanilla bean from Fairway.  Never worked with one.  Vanilla with some fresh strawberries is my next flavor.


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