Picked up a crochet hook and some old yarn and didn’t stop till the hat was finished. It took me one whole day. I started at night then picked it up all throughout the next day and finished up by midnight. I love how it came out. I’ve seen these 3 pointed hats around but haven’t seen them without frilly, girly stuff on them. I think they are so cute so I wanted to make a real boyish one. I know what you are saying…..What about the pom poms. Well, I like them and he is only 2.5. I’m allowed! It was so simple to make. Basically just a rectangle then pinched at the top. I have already started my next one for my brother-in-law. It will be only 2 points beause he is NOT 2.5. It will take me longer though because my hand hurts now. Hope you can wait Samy. That’s what I get for obsessing.